Ready, Set, Breathe as a Family

5 Tips to Get the Whole Family Feeling Zen Again

By Elissa Cirignotta

Breathing is basically the answer to anything and everything. Conscious breathing can dissolve heated emotions and quickly recalibrate the energy in a room. You can feel calmer, more relaxed, and at ease within seconds of focused breath work. It is quite literally the source of life. There are innumerable scientifically proven benefits to the practice of listening to, controlling, and changing your breath. There are also functional correlations between your breath and your emotional state. Breathwork is useful for any ole human being but for a toddler, kid, or teen, all of whom have actively developing brains, this practice can be life changing.

You are your child’s biggest teacher. They will first learn this practice by watching you sit quietly and consciously breath. Family breathing time should not replace your own personal practice but rather, enhance it. If you’re ready to have your household feeling zen try these next strategies to get your family meditation started.

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