What is Good for the Mother is Good for the Baby: 5 Reasons to Join a Prenatal Yoga Class

By Elissa Cirignotta

What is Good for the Mother is Good for the Baby. This has been a go-to motherhood mantra of mine. How are you taking care of yourself? What are you doing everyday to feel good; in your body, in your mind, and in your spirit? What are you doing to nourish yourself? These are questions that every expecting, new, and veteraned mother should be asking herself.

We’re lucky in this day and age to have a plethora of tools, education, and in-person & online resources available to help us cope and process the physical, emotional, and spiritual changes that come with impending motherhood. It’s no small feat.

My number one favorite tool for overall wellbeing has been the practice of yoga. And not necessarily just the practice of physical yoga, which might I add has countless benefits, but more-so the big picture practice of yoga. The internal (& external) discipline it fosters, the breath control, the concentration and meditative absorption, the integration it creates in my whole body & being, and the community it cultivates. It has become my constant companion.

If you’re on the fence about joining a prenatal yoga class, allow me to happily illuminate 5 fantastic reasons why you should start today!

Read Full Article HERE.